Monday, April 11, 2011

Week Eleven Term One

This is the last week of term one!

We are doing these amazing things in the holidays....
I am going to Auckland for my brothers sailing competitions. - Ben
I am getting a heart chart award on Friday. - Lucy
I am getting a camera that can go under water and in the bath. - Alyssa
My mum is going to buy me some new rubbers. - Coedy
My mum has sent my letter into What Now for Red the mailbox. - Toby
My mum might be doing some baking. - Liliarna
I am going tramping with mum. - Josh
I might be going to Queenstown. - Flynn
My family is going to Christchurch to help people after the earthquake. - Richard
I am going to Australia to see my Dad. - Georgia
In the holidays I am going to my Dads for half of the holidays and we are having Easter at my Nana's. - Scarlett
I am going to my cousins party at chipmunks. - Aaron
In the holidays I am going to Century pool. - Harry
On Friday I am going to get a heart chart award for finishing level three and I will get a gold band. - Talai
My mum and Dad might take me to the park or the bay to ride my bike. - Lila
On Sunday I am going to Century pool and I am going on the hydro slide. - Baljeet
We might go to see the mountains in Queenstown. - Jood
I am going to my Nana's for easter. - Will
It's my little brothers birthday on Easter Sunday. - Mason
We are going to Nana's for Easter - Roshean
When my Dad finds a house in Christchurch I am going to go and visit him. - Zoe
Lucy is coming to my house on Thursday. - Neve

Last week our letter of the week was L. We made some leaping lizards. Our letter of the week is H.

Our story of the week is Ratty Tatty Cat. Our poem for the week is Teddies.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week Ten Term One

Last week our poem was Scary Scarecrow. We made some scarecrows to put on our wall. People use scarecrows to scare birds and stop them eating the seeds and fruit in their gardens, fields and crops.

Our poem this week is Autumn. We might make some leaves and branches for the activity on Friday.

Our letter of the week last week was I. We made our favourite flavoured ice-creams. This week our letter of the week is L. Lucy starts with L and so does Liliarna and Lila.

We have a new student in our class. Her name is Alyssa Bentley. She already knew some of the children in room one and has had a fantastic first day with us.

Our shared book for the week is The Swamp Eggs.