Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Week Eleven Term Two

Last week our poem was 'The Handsome Hippo'. We made some happy hippos for the activity at the end of the week. The poem for this week is 'The Owl'.

Last week the letter of the week was U. We made some letter U's to go on our wall. This week the letter of the week is Y.

Our shared book of the week is 'A rumble and a grumble'. Annie and Angus McTavish are tired because they have had a busy day. They decided to go to bed to sleep but... Angus was snoring so bad that Annie couldn't get to sleep. She read a book called how to cure snores which was filled with silly ideas. In the end she got to sleep but Angus was awake!!!!

We have been finishing off our portraits that we started with Mrs Wilsher. They look stunning!

We read a book called 'Jungle Drums' and we had to write a new ending.

In maths I have been learning to split numbers and add to the closest ten. - Flynn
In maths we have been taking away numbers using ones and tens. - Scarlett
In maths I have been learning to solve problems in my head. - Georgia
In maths I have been learning to add ones and tens together. - Ben

Monday, July 4, 2011

Week Ten Term Two

We had an amazing author that came to speak to us today. His name was Kyle Mewburn.
I really enjoyed the stories he read us. - Flynn
I really enjoyed the funny stories he told us. - Coedy
I really enjoyed when he was trying to act like a pirate. - Scarlett
I really liked his stories because they were really good. - Lila
I liked the duck stuck story that he read to us. - Lucy
I liked how funny he was. - Ben

Our shared book for the week is 'Monkey's shoes'. The monkey took the explorers shoes and at the end of the story he fell out of the tree because of the shoes.

The letter of the week this week is U. Last week the letter of the week was T. We made tiger masks and we will be able to take them home on Friday.

The poem of the week is 'The Handsome Hippo'. Last weeks poem was 'The spider'. We made a spider and a shoe.