Monday, June 27, 2011

Music with Dale

We had music with Dale and we created a musical story. We had to play the instruments while Miss Fuehrer read the story.

Neve was the elephant.
Mason was the elephants ears.
Zoe, Georgia, Richard, Talai were the bullfrogs.
Coedy, Ben and Baljeet were the woodpeckers.
Lucy, Flynn, Will, Roshean and Toby were the birds.
Jood, Josh and Tarris were the butterflies.
Aaron and Liliarna were the horses.
Lila was the rain.

Week Nine Term Two

Last week our poem was 'The Elephant'. We had to make a humongous trunk and colour the elephant in gray. Our poem this week is 'The Spider'.

The shared book of the week is Big Heli and Little Heli. One Helicopter is small and one is big. Big Heli got to do all the jobs until little Heli had to save an eagle chick.

Our letter of the week is tT. Toby, Talai and Tarris start with T.

Aaron and Josh had a birthday on Saturday and they had lots of food, fun and presents.

We got sent some colouring in competitions sent to us and if we win we get to be a cop for the day and Bobby and Bryan come and visit our class.
If I was a cop for the day I would make people buy me chocolate. - Toby
If I was a cop for the day I would play cops and robbers all day. - Lila
If I was a cop for the day I would put people in jail for no reason. - Lucy
If I was a cop for the day I would put everyone except for myself and Miss Fuehrer in jail. - Flynn

Week Eight Term Two

Last week our poem was the Smile. We made some smiley people and we tried smiling at people to see if they would smile back. This week our poem is 'The Elephant'.

The letter of the week this week is S. We made silver stars.

Mrs Wilsher came into our class for the day and we talked about hats. We drew a self portrait and drew a hat on our head. Then we dyed our faces. Once they were dry we got to pick a colour to paint around the background.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Week Seven Term Two

Our poem of the week is "A smile". We are going to smile at people and see if they smile back. :) Last week for our poem we made Mr Nobody behind a door.

Our shared book of the week is "Hullabaloo at the zoo".

The letter of the week is fF. Flynn starts with F. Last week our letter was K and we made some puppet koalas.

We have started making our calico teddy bears. We have decorated them and today we are heat sealing the pastel. Tomorrow hopefully we will start stitching.

Week Six Term Two

Our letter of the week is k.
Our big book is "Lazy Duck".
Our poem is "Mr Nobody".

We all enjoyed having a long weekend! Here are some of the things that we did.
* I went swimming in Oamaru. - Liliarna
* I watched rugby in Pareora. - Flynn
* I had a sleepover. - Mason and Harry
* I stayed at Nanas. - Scarlett
* I went to the hot pools. - Alyssa
* I went swimming in Ashburton. - Lucy
* I went to a birthday. - Roshean
* I had a sleepover with Brayden. - Toby
* I went to Dunedin. - Georgia
* Amelia stayed at my house. - Zoe
* I went to the chocolate factory. - Josh

We are learning to do sewing. We are starting with an easy shape. It is part of our fabric and fibre topic.

Today we have visitors from Ashburton coming to look at ICT at our school.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Week Five Term Two

Tobys birthday was this week and he turned 7.

Last week our poem was 'Pirate'. We made some pirates with prickly, hairy chins. Our poem this week is 'The Parrot'.

Our shared book this week is 'Baboon's Nest'. When the sun was going down the baboon made a nest in the tree. An eagle came down and landed in the nest. The baboon and eagle started to fight over the nest. All day and all night they fought over the nest until... the sun came up and showed they were bare! They decided to stop fighting and became friends and shared the nest.

The letter of the week is pP. Last weeks letter of the week was rR.

Last week we were doing rainbow writing. We were writing instructions.
* I thought that the colour coming out of the pastels was interesting. Toby
* When we wrote our writing was rainbow coloured. Ben
* I didn't think the colour would come out. Lucy
* It was really hard. Flynn
* It was fun when we were colouring in and I didn't know if the colour was going to come out. Scarlett
* It was interesting when we lifted up our page and we had rainbow writing. Lila

Yesterday was the first day of June and the first day of winter.

On Monday it is the Queens birthday so we get a day off school.