Monday, June 27, 2011

Week Nine Term Two

Last week our poem was 'The Elephant'. We had to make a humongous trunk and colour the elephant in gray. Our poem this week is 'The Spider'.

The shared book of the week is Big Heli and Little Heli. One Helicopter is small and one is big. Big Heli got to do all the jobs until little Heli had to save an eagle chick.

Our letter of the week is tT. Toby, Talai and Tarris start with T.

Aaron and Josh had a birthday on Saturday and they had lots of food, fun and presents.

We got sent some colouring in competitions sent to us and if we win we get to be a cop for the day and Bobby and Bryan come and visit our class.
If I was a cop for the day I would make people buy me chocolate. - Toby
If I was a cop for the day I would play cops and robbers all day. - Lila
If I was a cop for the day I would put people in jail for no reason. - Lucy
If I was a cop for the day I would put everyone except for myself and Miss Fuehrer in jail. - Flynn

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